Labour's £635,000 bombshell for Lewisham
Lewisham residents are saddled with a huge £635,000 bill, so that Labour's Mayor can pursue his personal ambition in Bristol, according to Lib Dem campaigner Chris Maines.
Lewisham residents are saddled with a huge £635,000 bill, so that Labour's Mayor can pursue his personal ambition in Bristol, according to Lib Dem campaigner Chris Maines.
New Chair of London Young Liberals, Lewisham’s Data Officer Josh Mitte, interviewed by Maggie Clarke, Lewisham Events Officer.
The twinning dates back to the idealistic time of the Sandinista revolution and Labour’s lurch to the far left across Britain and Lewisham. It ignores that Nicaragua is now a dictatorship under Daniel Ortega, strongly criticised by Amnesty International.