Labour's £635,000 bombshell for Lewisham
Lewisham residents are saddled with a huge £635,000 bill, so that Labour's Mayor can pursue his personal ambition in Bristol, according to Lib Dem campaigner Chris Maines.
Chris Maines has been selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the forthcoming Lewisham Mayoral by-election taking place on the 7th March.
Chris Maines is a former Lewisham Councillor and has lived in Blackheath for almost 20 years. He works for the NHS.
Commenting on the forthcoming by-election Chris Maines said:
“This Mayoral by-election is only taking place because the Labour Mayor has decided to desert Lewisham and its residents. Less than two years after he was elected he has decided his political career is more important than the residents of Lewisham he was elected to serve.
“Shamefully this Mayoral by-election will cost Lewisham residents the staggering sum of £635,000. The cost of the by-election could have delivered a temporary library in Lewisham, supported our voluntary sector or even ensure more than 1000 street trees were planted this year. None of these options are now open as Lewisham residents are now having to pay a huge bill solely due to the vanity of Labour’s departing Mayor.
“I believe Lewisham has been badly run for too long and voting for another Labour Mayor will simply mean the council becomes even more complacent.
"Less than a year ago Lewisham council was accused by the Information Commissioner of eroding democracy due to its excessive secrecy and refusal to answer freedom of information requests. This is the real record of Lewisham Council with a Labour Mayor and no opposition.
“Voting for a Liberal Democrat Mayor is a vote for a more open council, which truly consults with people over the issues that really matter to local residents.
“I am also committed to delivering a greener borough. Our embarrassing rates for low recycling and high levels of fly-tipping need to be transformed. More action is also needed to tackle air pollution.
“Most importantly, instead of making misleading claims about delivering affordable homes we need to ensure Lewisham council stands up to developers and ensures far higher levels of affordable homes are actually delivered.”
Published by M Clarke on behalf of C Maines. Liberal Democrats all of 99 Bradgate Road SE6 4TR