Baroness Floella Benjamin, LibDem Peer, writes to the PM regarding Windrush Pledges.

"We fully support Baroness Floella Benjamin, OM DBE DL in her campaigning to ensure the government fulfils its promises to ensure justice for the Windrush generation." - Lewisham LibDems
Letter from Baroness Floella Benjamin, OM BDE DL, . Dated IX.I.XXIII
It reads:
Dear Rishi,
Happy new Year to you and your family.
lam writing to you because of the disturbing reports I have heard with regard to the Home Secretary's intention to disregard some of the Wendy Williams' pledges made in the aftermath of the Windrush Scandal.
Both the media and members of the public have contacted me about this because they know of my full commitment to making a difference over the decades to recognise the contribution made by the Windrush generation to our great country.
As you may be aware, last year the government funded National Windrush Monument, which I was responsible for overseeing, was unveiled at Waterloo Station and this year the country will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Windrush ship, which brought over Caribbean people after the call from the UK government to come and help rebuild Britain.
Over the last 75 years this is what members of the Windrush generation, like myself, have done. The Windrush Scandal was a stain on British history and a cruel blow to many blameless Caribbean people. Thankfully, previous government ministers have apologised and pledged to right these wrongs.
If what I am hearing is true, that the now Home Secretary has decided to renege on those promises it will be seen as disrespectful to the Windrush community, especially in this important year, as well as being wicked, vindictive and heartless.
I was pleased to hear you say in your address when you were elected Prime Minister, a day of historic relevance, that you wanted to govern with trust and integrity. If this is the case, I hope you and your ministers will review any decision to abandon any ideas of not fulfilling the Wendy Williams recommendations.
I look forward to hearing from you with the reassurance I and the rest of those concerned need to have.
Signed by Baroness Benjamin. Chair - Windush Commeration Committe.