A4 HMO Campaign
This campaign has been launched by a group of residents who are concerned about the lack of regulation of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in Catford and other parts of Lewisham.
This campaign has been launched by a group of residents who are concerned about the lack of regulation of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in Catford and other parts of Lewisham.
When Lewisham Council introduced its Lee Green LTN in July 2020 we were assured there would be a proper consultation exercise after the trial period. When we saw the consultation questions in August 2021 we realised that they were skewed towards one outcome: the retention of the LTN in one form or another (see my article www.lewishamlibdems.org.uk/leegreenltn_consultation). There was little scope for objecting to it overall or for reforming it radically, and it was clear that the use of monitoring data and statistics was unscientific to say the least.